Painting of Ruby June Breaking the Spell

It has been a little while since I posted so I’ll blame the holidays for that.  Travel and whatnot has impacted my ability to get stuff on-line.  I have been working, however.  I mean, when am I not?  I told myself I wasn’t going to post any of the paintings of the Ruby June book until I was nearing completion but I have been putting off nearly all my other projects in the hopes that in the next 5-6 months I will be able to bring this one home.

Here is the painting of the Deep Ones freed from Coo-Thoo-Loo’s spell.  I might still push on this one just a bit.  I’m told some of my panels are a little on the dark side so maybe I can push in a little more light here and there.  I sort of like the darker values though.  It is a book about Cthulhu after all.  Even though I’m making it safe for kids, I don’t want to make it too cheery or bright.  Still, I might be able to bring in a little more light on the foreground figures.  What I will probably do is get all the panels to this stage and then look at them all together again.
