Lunchbox Drawings – September 2014 Part 2

Here are this two week’s worth of lunch box drawings.  My daughter had a day off and so only required nine drawings of me.  I would have to say my favorites are the ascot armadillo and nine-legs.  They just look like a lot of fun.  The space buddies also look like they could make an interesting story.  Maybe I’ll have to do that, start making up little stories to go with them.  I think I might actually do a painting of the armadillo and try to make a fun and simple alphabet book with a different character each week.  Ah, just what I needed… another project to add to my stack of thirty and running…

LUNCH_ascotArmadillo_2014_9_25 LUNCH_explorerRuby_2014_9_18 LUNCH_johnnyAppleseed_2014_9_24 LUNCH_lunchDuck_2014_9_17 LUNCH_nineLegs_2014_9_15 LUNCH_princessRuby002_2014_9_19 LUNCH_rugJugBug_2014_9_16 LUNCH_spaceBuddies_2014_9_23