Finally, after years of plugging away at this book in between bouts of freelance and day jobs and raising children and all the other things that tend to get in the way of getting art done, the chickens have come home to roost! I’m not even sure what that really means. All I know is that it has been over 5 years if memory serves me right. That is way too long to have something like this on your plate if you ask me. I think a lot of it comes down to having multiple projects going on at once. It is nice, on the one hand, to have a backup project to go to when you start losing motivation on one. At least you keep working. On the other hand, it is easy to lose significant amounts of time in between work periods and really start to lose a cohesive look. I thought that might be an issue from the start so I decided to do all the values together, so my style remained consistent, and then work on painting the group together so the colors and look could remain unified.
For any who might be local to the Orlando, Florida area and feel so inclined, the show will be from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at the Redefine Gallery, 29 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801. Unless something terrible happens at the printers, books will also be on sale there as well as the original paintings.