I was lucky enough to have some time this weekend to complete the charcoals of my owl. This one took a little longer than anticipated since I worked a little larger than usual at 11″ x 14″. I didn’t notice until I was well into it but the frame on this animal is a little skewed so getting it framed is probably going to be a little problematic. Lucky I work with gallery wrap canvas so I can still display it when I do my show with little issue. For those of you not in the know, gallery wrap is a deeper canvas that tends to look a little better when displayed without a frame than the shallow canvases.
The white colored pencil proved to be very useful for this one. Before I got to that stage of fixing the canvas, I found myself turning to the large rubber block eraser that I have had little use for since school. Getting that long, thin, sharp edge was very effective on those long light feathers around the eyes and in the brows. I’m definitely going to remember that use! When it comes to the painting, I’m thinking I might do a very faint pattern on the shirt. It feels like it needs a little something more down there.