Vye Meeting charcoals stage 1

As promised, here is the first work in progress value pass at my William Cooper painting.  This is a character from The Tapestry series of books by Henry H Neff.  I hope to keep plugging away at this and posting my progress as I go.  As you can see, due to the high level of detail I am hoping to achieve (as high as I can at 10” x 20”) I had to add in a series of extra grid lines to try and match my comp and not butcher the proportions or composition too much.  I should have this one completed, to some degree, by the end of the month.  Whether that is a detailed value pass or completed painting relies heavily on my freelance schedule, my day job work schedule, and the schedule of our newborn and 4 year old.  I’m crossing my fingers I can scrape up enough time to finish.  Wish me luck!
